Two Volunteer leaders for Girlguiding Isle of Wight, with over 60 years- service between them, have been awarded Silver Oak Leaf Awards by Girlguiding’s South West England Region.

Lesley Clifford and Shirley Saunders, both from Sandown, gained these awards for their service to Girlguiding, their local communities, long service to Girlguiding but especially for their joint leadership of Girlguiding Isle of Wight, as Island Commissioners, over the past five years.

Lesley’s citation included mention of her 38 years -service, both on the mainland and at Sandown, her commitment to Regional Girlguiding and her activities within the Sandown community including her work with Sandown Carnival.

Shirley has completed over 26 years- service, 10 years on the Isle of Wight as a volunteer, and her citation mentioned her commitment to Regional meetings especially with welcoming in new members to these meetings where she served as a member of the Awards Committee for SW England Region.

Back in February 2020 both Lesley and Shirley were presented by Deputy Regional Commissioner, Sarah French, with Thank You Awards but now the Silver Oak Leaf Awards have come as a great surprise to both of these Girlguiding Isle of Wight stalwarts.

Having completed five years as Island Commissioners both Lesley and Shirley decided not to retire completely from Girlguiding but to continue as leaders of 5th Sandown Brownies as well as holding executive positions.

These awards were presented by South West England Regional Commissioner, Carole Pennington via a Zoom meeting, at the end of 2020.