Most units across the Island started regular meetings at the beginning of September. Several units have made use of special offers from local venues which offered reduced entrance rates for groups. These included Robin Hill where units enjoyed the activities on offer there.

PGL was another favourite for visits and all the girls thoroughly enjoyed the special activities available there including zip wires, climbing and archery.

Most units have returned to their meeting halls and indoor and outdoor activities have been enjoyed there. Several units have seen numbers of new girls making their Promise and leaders have arranged special Promise ceremonies some at the outdoor venues already mentioned.

Dozens of badges have been gained and there seems to have been special interest in badges involving the environment.

All together a very successful half term with some groups ending their sessions with activities based around pumpkins.

Carisbrooke Guides have enjoyed many special outings including visits to PGL and Robin Hill.

1st Bay Guides invited 4th Shanklin, 4th Sandown and 5th Sandown Brownies along for an end of term Pumpkin Party. Lots of games, lots of costumes and lots fun had by all

After a visit to Robin Hill Carisbrooke Brownies enjoyed playing in the leaves outside their meeting hall before planned outdoor activities of Autumn wreaths and glow bowling. This was followed by spider biscuits and glow dance indoors.

East Cowes Brownies welcomed many new Brownies and by half term they had made their Promise. One activity during this half term included mining coal (chocolate chips).

Newport Rainbows studied Dolphins and several new Rainbows made their Promise under the Rainbow.

Once again let the pictures tell the stories.

If you would like your unit to feature here please make contact with the Girlguiding IW PR & Marketing Advisor.

Other County news for this half term. Thank you Deborah (Archives Advisor) for arranging a display of historic uniforms and other memorabilia for an exhibition held at Bembridge. Older residents really appreciated the chance to look back on Guiding and the items brought back happy memories.

Members took part in Walk the Wight in aid of Mountbatten. Here are the happy walkers from 1st Bay Guides,