With HM The Queen as their Patron members of Girlguiding certainly played their part in the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Certain Girlguiding areas of the UK were selected to host 70 Beacons with the Isle of Wight being one. Members gathered on the downs above Shorwell. Present were the IW President Gioia Minghella-Giddens and her husband Richard, Girlguiding IW Commissioner Linda Stone, and assistant Commissioners Anne Watson and Donna Sanders-Steele plus several members who had gained the Queen’s Guide Award over the years. Donna and her husband Alistair had built the Beacon and performed the lighting, and all members present enjoyed camp-fire singing, several donning camp-fire blankets.
Prior to this Shanklin Brownies, led by Karen Bull, presented a park bench ( in conjunction with Shanklin Town Council) to their community with Shanklin’s Deputy Mayor Sue Godden and Town Councillor Denyse Larner fixing a plaque and Girlguiding’s Island President being in attendance. This bench forms a centre piece to land which has been adopted by the Brownies and where they have planted shrubs, spring bulbs and trees and litter-pick on a regular basis. Some of the Brownies dressed in a selection of uniforms covering 70 years. They also organised refreshments and activities for a Jubilee event in Shanklin’s Regent Street on the Saturday of the Jubilee Weekend.
IW Queen’s Guide Tina Nicholls featured on BBC South Today recalling her experiences in Buckingham Palace when representing Girlguiding there some time ago and East Cowes Rainbow leader Charlotte Young represented Girlguiding IW as a guest of Girlguiding at the Jubilee Pageant in London. At Sandown members were out and about promoting Girlguiding IW with the hope of new recruits so that all units can continue in the town. Their display showed pictures of HM The Queen and HRH Princess Margaret when they Guides
Members from across the Island representing all sections, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers joined in Newport’s Jubilee Parade on Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of girls and their leaders, most carrying flags and streamers made at their unit meetings and some wearing uniforms depicting the change of styles over 70 years, formed a large part of the parade. After the parade had dispersed at Newport Quay Girlguiding members continued to Seaclose Park for a picnic and fun activities organised by Kerry Hiscock. (Outdoor Advisor)
For some Girlguiding IW members Jubilee celebrations had already taken place prior to the official Bank Holidays with parties and outings and other units will continue the celebrations throughout June with picnics, parties and days out planned.