Two well known and respected Island families in the Island food scene have forged a collaboration to work in unison.
Termed ‘Minghella at Briddlesford’ the new initiative will see the Minghellas produce their award winning range of ice cream at Briddlesford Lodge Farm.
For their part the Griffin family who have farmed at Briddlesford since 1923, will provide the milk from their herd of 140 pedigree Guernsey cows. Although Minghella Ice Cream has been made from Briddlesford milk for about fifty years the unique feature is to combine the two operations on one site.
Bluebells Cafe at Briddlesford was the venue for the launch event of ‘Minghella at Briddlesford’. In his welcome speech the Lord Lieutenant, Martin White said he was glad to see the rural community fighting back. Looking around the room he said it was good to see so many from the wider Isle of Wight community. He said it was an important evening in many ways and was pleased to see the respect shown for both families.
Gioia Minghella said that during their move from their old Wootton site the extent of goodwill had been large. Referring to the Griffin family Gioia commented that their cows were the most pampered, and they produced exquisite milk.
Another new development at Briddlesford is the Heritage Centre based in the old Hop Kilns. Farming over the years at Briddlesford is depicted by a number of photographs and actual farm implements.
One can view punch hoes, Hurricane lamps, imperial measures, harness clamps and a butter worker amongst other items.
Artist Tim Johnson has mounted a multi-media installation ‘Invisible Pathways’ which explores the pastures, hedgerows, cow tracks, woodland paths and streams that make up Briddlesford Lodge Farm.