Marghanita Allen a Guider with the Bay Guides undertook the challenge of ‘Brave the Shave’ at Chale Show last weekend.
She said before the event, “ I am doing Brave the Shave for Macmillan Cancer Support in memory of friends and family I’ve lost through cancer and to show my support for all my friends and family who have been effected by cancer one way or another.
My hair will be shaved on 1st August at Chale Show at the Wight B.A.TS bike and trikes stall at about 2.30pm.
I will also be donating my hair to Little Princess Trust which makes wigs for children who lose their hair through illness. I am hoping to raise £1000 for Macmillan.
I would be very grateful for donations BIG or small. I have raised nearly £600 so far in donations and sponsorship……Please dig deep and help support this fantastic organisation.
My online donation page address
www.bravethe “
At Chale Show Marghanita certainly took up the challenge and a crowd gathered to see her lose her locks and those watching gave a total of £95 towards her target.Since Chale Show more donations have been received and a new total of £805 has been reached. Undertaking the task of cutting off Marghanita’s plaits was fellow biker Carol Weeks with Lexi Skeldon and Marghanita’s husband Dave undertaking the final clipping.
Going! Going! Gone!