It has been another busy half term for all Girlguiding IW members. There was the very special day out to Legoland, Windsor (see another page for more details) with Island girls making their Promise as well as joining in all the fun of the rides and admiring the Lego set pieces. Some girls made their Promise with Laura Cottey the SWE Region Chief Commissioner and Laura also presented other awards.
Meanwhile back on the Island some units raised funds for Aid to Ukraine. There were sales, scavenger hunts and Quiz and Sausage Bap events.
Easter fun was enjoyed with Rainbows learning how to make a sandwich and Brownies decorating Easter Chocolate Nests and making Easter Crowns.
Badges gained this half-term included mindfulness, with East Cowes Brownies really getting into this, and painting with one Brownie making a study of Salvadore Dali before undertaking her own paintings in his style.
Some leaders have undertaken Trainings whilst Donna and Katie attended a Volunteers Fair at Cowes where IW organisations looking for new volunteers were able to meet the public. This event was organised by IW Volunteers Centre of which Girlguiding IW is a member.