Most of the council’s operations will remain open until 4pm, Wednesday 24 December.
After closing for the Christmas/New Year period they will then reopen on Friday 2 January.
There will, however, be special arrangements for certain services.
Adult social care
Offices close 4pm, Wednesday 24 December and reopen 8am, Friday 2 January.Adult social care will be providing a duty service for adult social care and safeguarding emergencies on 29, 30 and 31 December between 9am and 5pm, tel: 814980. The hospital social work team (adult services) will operate on a duty service basis on the same days, tel: 534227. Outside of these times urgent calls should be directed to Wightcare, tel: 821105.
Children’s services
Offices close at 4pm, Wednesday 24 December and reopen Friday 2 January.
On 29, 30 and 31 December (during office hours), tel: 0845 6500097 for children’s services matters. Outside of these times urgent calls should be directed to Wightcare, tel: 821105.If you are worried about the safety of a child, please call 0845 6500097.
Coroner’s office
The coroner’s office closes at 4pm on Wednesday 24 December. It is open Monday 29 December, Tuesday 30 December and Wednesday 31 December between 9am and 1pm, however it will be taking out of hours referrals from the police, hospital and GPs. It reopens as normal on Friday 2 January 2015.
Council buildings or land
For emergencies involving council-owned buildings, please contact Wightcare, tel: 821105.
The Book of Remembrance and Gardens of Remembrance are open at certain times over the Christmas period for details of opening times see but the public can access the grounds at all times.
Highways emergencies
Flooding, fallen trees, traffic lights not working etc – please contact Island Roads, tel: 822440 or visit the website
Floating bridge
Cowes floating bridge will operate a normal service, except on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, when the service will start at 6.30am.
On New Year’s Eve the last crossing from East Cowes to Cowes will be at 12.50am and last crossing from Cowes to East Cowes will be at 1am.
Public health
There is a range of information about this topic on the council’s website Search for public health living well.
Register office
The register office closes at 4pm, Wednesday 24 December. It is open (by appointment only on some other days). It re-opens as normal on Friday 2 January 2015.
To register a death between 24 December and 2 January, please telephone 823233.
Waste collection and recycling
There will be some changes to refuse collections over Christmas this year, primarily between Monday 22 and Friday 26 December. See