After several weeks of practice 11th Newport Rainbows have mastered the art of being able to ‘sign’ for the deaf or those with hearing loss.
As well as learning this skill all the Rainbows and their leaders undertook a challenge to raise sponsorship for NDCS as well as their own funds which support the girl’s activities.
NDCS organises its Finger Spellathon to raise money for their funds which helps deaf children and young people.
Helping the girls were two local volunteer members of Action On Hearing Loss (formally RNID) Gay Pointer and Maggie Hocking. When all the Rainbows had completed the learning process Gay and Maggie visited the unit together with Honey the Bear who helps with teaching.
During the evening of Gay and Maggie’s visit to the unit the Rainbows were shown different equipment which is used to aid people with hearing loss such as a flashing door bell. All the girls also learned about the different parts of the human ear and how hearing is sometimes lost after an accident.
All the Rainbows practiced the ‘deaf’ alphabet and sang ‘Sing a Rainbow’ with their newly learned actions.
After all the sponsorship had been collected around £200 was raised.