Members of Girlguiding have been joining in some pre Christmas fun in Newport.

10th Newport Brownies decided to take part in the Christmas Tree Festival at Quay Street Methodist Church whilst 11th Newport Rainbows joined with Carisbrooke Rainbows in the fun of Newport’s Winter Carnival.  11th Newport Guide Unit together with the Senior Section Rangers held a Christmas evening with the sale of gifts, a raffle, competitions and a special competition to guess the name of the reindeer.

For the Brownies the theme of their tree was ‘The Church Mice at Christmas’ by Graham Oakley (the theme of the festival was books).  They decorated the tree with mice made from baubles and illustrations from the book and they also had a toy cat pulling a sleigh which was driven by another mouse.VLUU L200  / Samsung L200VLUU L200  / Samsung L200VLUU L200  / Samsung L200VLUU L200  / Samsung L200

This festival was arranged by Newport Methodist Church and 1st Newport Boys Brigade and was open to any local organisations that wished to take part.

Once again the Rainbows had fun in the carnival. This year the theme of the costumes was snowmen and every year the costumes seem to get better.Copy of Rainbows-N-Carnival

Held at the Congregational Church the Guide and Ranger Christmas evening took the form of an enterprise challenge with groups of girls trying to increase the sum of £20 which they had been given. All the girls made gifts or ran competitions and they made £176 for unit funds. For those who entered the guess the name competition, the name of Victoria was given to the Reindeer.Rangers-Xmas