For the first time since Lockdown 1 in March, Binstead Guides met face to face, at the beginning of November. Some Girlguiding Units on the Island have been having virtual meetings during the pandemic, so Binstead Guides were very pleased to meet up again. Sadly, the face to face meeting was for one week only but there was a great surprise for leader Julia Downer when one of the Guides presented her with a money to help the unit’s funds.

Julia Downer said.” One of the guides Florence Singer (who is 11) presented me with £103.90. Florence had raised this money during lockdown and wanted it to go to Binstead Guides. Florence took part in the 2.6 Challenge for the London Marathon, did a boxing activity and baked cupcakes. After her baking session she did a little write-up of what she was doing for Guide funds and then left the cupcakes on neighbours’ doorsteps asking them to donate if they wanted to. As a result, she raised £103.90.”

Across the Island Girlguiding is welcoming new members. Without face to face meetings anyone wishing to join, either as a girl member or as a volunteer, can get details from the ‘Contact’ drop-down on this website.