Emma Bryson from Gunville has recently gained a Training Qualification with Girlguiding. This enables Emma to train other Girlguiding leaders to help them gain the leadership qualifications that every leader or assistant leader of a unit needs before undertaking running a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or Ranger unit.
First starting her Guiding as a Brownie in Cornwall in 1983 she progressed up to be Ranger/Young Leader. She left Guiding when she moved to the Island but returned in September 2013 after her daughter joined Girlguiding IW as a Brownie.
After some time in a unit, she decided to progress in her Girlguiding by becoming a Trainer. To date she has led around 10 training sessions and co-trained several more. Covid 19 has made Training difficult, but she has since qualified in online Training as well as face to face Trainings. Her original subject level was Brownie leaders and the Programme, but since the New Programme was introduced in July 2018, she now covers all Sections, (Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers) on the Programme.
It takes some time to qualify as a Trainer. Emma started the main qualification back in March 2018 with her qualification officially signed off in November 2020.
Asked what was to be her next challenge within Girlguiding Emma replied. “I have started undertaking my Module 4, which is delivering Training in a specialist subject. For this I have chosen A Safe Space which is the Safeguarding Programme for Girlguiding.
As well as being a Trainer Emma is also a Leader with 11th Newport Guides.