Brownies and their leaders from across the Island headed to Newport on Saint George’s Day. 23rd of April.
Over 130 Brownies and 30 leaders had fun and adventures at this year’s County Day organised by Brownie Commissioner Deborah Meadows and a team of leaders.
With a double theme of Saint George and an international theme of Austria, all the girls undertook activities across both themes.
Austria was chosen as three members of Girlguiding Isle of Wight, have been selected to represent the UK on an international trip to that country later this year.
As the County Day fell on St. George’s Day activities included making a Saint George Cross name badge, Flying Dragons and edible campfires as well as decorating Edelweiss biscuits. Games, singing and dancing were also based on the two themes.
Guests included Island Commissioner Linda Stone, who said,” This day has been a wonderful event, enabling all the Brownies to complete special activities, learn about another country, as they will have the chance to go on an international trip with Girlguiding in the future, as well as making new Brownie friends.”