Following links with the IW Volunteer Centre and Shademakers based in Ryde, 4th Sandown Brownies and their leaders have been in a carnival mood. The leaders made carnival flags, using the Batik technique, at workshops held by the Isle of Wight Volunteer Centre, over several evenings, throughout the Summer months.
Sharon and Lily George from Shademakers attended the Brownie meetings in Sandown to help the Brownies make costumes and headdresses. Lily also came to another meeting to teach the girls the dances ready for the carnival processions.
They all attended Sandown Carnival and Ryde Illuminated Carnival.
To follow up on these volunteering links the Brownie Unit will now be having sessions with The Stitch Department which is based in Ryde.
Brownie leader Angela Smith said, “We all thoroughly enjoyed taking part and would like to thank everyone involved in helping us.”