So that in the future girls and younger members of Girlguiding IW can take to the water safely a group of leaders undertook water-safety training on a canal boat recently.
This trip was planned by Sandown leader Angela Smith and the training was undertaken by Julie Myers who was the Skipper of the boat and is also a member of Girlguiding on the mainland. Julie is also heavily involved with the Kennett and Avon Narrow Boat Trust, which own the boat.
Angela said,” We travelled from the Island to Aldermaston then on the boat to Newbury and back again. There were 9 Island leaders on board including myself. We travelled up to Aldermaston on Friday and spent the night moored up. Next morning, we set out for Newbury, stopping for lunch on board, on the way. We enjoyed a meal out in Newbury on Saturday evening, then another night on the boat, before travelling back to Aldermaston Sunday morning, again stopping for lunch on board on the way.
The boat is 70 feet long and is called Falcon Adam and sleeps 12 people.
This was a taster weekend to see what is involved to gain the full qualification. Four leaders, including myself, decided to go back next year and do the Girlguiding Narrow Boat Scheme over two weekends. We will take 7 girls with us then.”
Other Island leaders attending were: Jane Wilson, Jill Gontar, Carol Firth, Clare Williams, Donna Sanders, Sharon Burch, Kerry Hiscock and Ann-Marie Kitcher.