Following on from tree planting at Pan Country Park last October and being featured on the front page of the Isle of Wight Observer on the 28th of that month, 10th Newport Brownies are on the environmental trail again. Back in October they helped the Lord Lieutenant Susie Sheldon plant the Tree of Trees to remember the late Queen.
This time around they have been helping to create nature inspired bunting which will enhance Pan Country Park on the 13th of August when an event entitled ‘Tales & Trails’ will take place there.
Working In conjunction with Gift for Nature the Brownies bunting covers all aspects of nature, including stars, rainbows, trees, birds and butterflies. Look out for the colourful bunting when you visit the event In August.
Tales and Trails is a free family event and will feature walks with the rangers, storytelling and wildlife specialists. It is being staged from 11am-3pm.