With over 100 years of volunteer service between them three leaders of Girlguiding Isle of Wight have been presented with Long Service Awards.
Both Carol Firth and Shirley Saunders received 30 years’ service awards while Felicity Harris received a 40 years’ award.

Carol has been involved with both Rainbows and Brownies at Wootton as well as being Rainbow Advisor, Rainbow Section Commissioner and District Commissioner- Newport/Fairlee. Carol was also assistant Island Commissioner with two Island Commissioners representing the Island at Region events across the SW England Region.

Shirley completed most of her Guiding in Milton Keynes before moving to the Isle of Wight. On the mainland she was a Divisional Commissioner in Buckinghamshire but when she moved to the Island, she returned to grass roots Guiding becoming a Brownie leader at Sandown. Later she became the joint Island Commissioner with fellow Sandown leader Leslie Clifford. After her five- year term as Island Commissioner Shirley has now returned to Sandown Brownies and is also Chair of the Awards Committee on the Island.

Felicity Harris became an assistant leader of 10th Newport Brownies in 1981. She progressed to Brownie leader a year later and has been a District and Section Commissioner and a Brownie Advisor. Her other past appointments include PR Advisor and District secretary.
These awards were presented by Linda Stone, Island Commissioner, at a BBQ evening held recently. Several other members of Girlguiding IW also received Long Service Awards but were unable to attend the event. They included Lesley Clifford & Sharon Winter (40 Years).
Angela Smith and Ann-Marie Kitcher were presented with 20 years’ Awards. Attaining 20 years’ Awards but unable to attend the ceremony were: Helen Coleman, Jacquie Harvey, Janet Lovell, Jenny Thompson and Sarah Smith.
Several leaders and assistant leaders gained 5 and 10-years Awards. Of those gaining 10-years Awards Charlotte and Sarah Harris and Charlotte Young were in attendance whilst Jill Gontar and Harriet Townsend were unable to attend.
10 Years’ Awards

20 Years’ Awards.